A tribute to FRIENDSHIP, thus is born OLIVIAN.
Thought to endure and create bonds based on quality, elegance and simplicity.

A brand that identifies with a lifestyle that values balance, well-being, and tranquility, offering the possibility of making conscious choices. 

Criada com o objetivo de sair da zona de conforto, mantendo o respeito pelo outro, com vontade de criar momentos de partilha.

It intends to create a positive impact on the environment, promoting the production of sustainable pieces, with durability and comfort.

All pieces, and everything that surrounds them, are produced in national companies, being unique for it's handmade confection.

Create memories and make a difference, surprising with the opening of each box. É isto que define a OLIVIAN. 

"Those who pass by us do not go alone,
they don't leave us alone they leave a little of themselves
take a little bit of us".

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


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